Experiencing the Space
What do you want to explore?

Image 1: "Community School Plan No. 20" 1924. Smith
There are three options to explore:
1. The Exterior
2. The Interior
3. The Architectural Changes
Clicking through photographs can only give you so much information about space, but starting a conversation between the photos and where they were taken in association with the site, the building exterior, and the plan allows you to think a little more.
For full text and image citations reference the two linked PDFs in the website footer, at the bottom of the page.
Some questions to think about as you explore St. Johns:
What might it feel like to attend school in this school every day with no plumbing or electricity?
How did one teacher teach multiple grades at once?
Can you imagine the space in perfect condition? Do you ever think it ever was?
Does this add a level of appreciation for the school you attend today?
Can you think about how space would have been with the resources today?
How do you hope to see the building in the future?