Experiencing the Space
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The left entrance was closed in to create an additional closet during private ownership
This was was added, along with the other two vertical ones, in order to turn the two-teacher schoolhouse into a four room home.
One bay of windows was removed and replaced with two smaller windows and a back porch door.
The center wall by design was a removable partition but today it is a permanent divider in the building.
Small window added to allow more light into the private residence kitchen.
Fireplace added to create a kitchen.
For full text and image citations reference the two linked PDFs in the website footer, at the bottom of the page.

Image 1: Bates, Niya. “National Register of Historic Places Registration Form: St John School.” 2018. p. 27.
The Interior Changes
How has a building changed over its lifetime? What has been added? What has been removed? How has that affected the space today?
Hover over the Community School Plan No. 20, which was used to build St. Johns, to uncover the changes the schoolhouse has undergone since its construction.